special needs
To support a program-wide culture that promotes children’s mental health and social-emotional well-being, we provide targeted support for effective classroom management and positive learning environments, supportive teacher practices, and strategies for supporting children with challenging behaviors and other social, emotional and mental health concerns.

behavior guidance
We incorporate positive methods of discipline to help guide children toward self-discipline and independence through a Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) system to encourage self-control, self-direction, self-esteem and cooperation. Head Start for Kent County prohibits any form of corporal punishment or emotional abuse.
The common rules of PBIS that can be used in the classroom and at home are:
Our staff also use techniques from the Conscious Discipline and FLIP IT! programs as a means of supporting children in a way that is developmentally appropriate, as well as resources from the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL). Additionally, the Creative Curriculum for Preschool Intentional Teaching Cards related to Social Emotional objectives and the Social Emotional component of the Connect4Learning curriculum are used to teach children specific skills that they can use in the classroom and at home.

Inclusive Practices
We offer children of varying abilities the opportunity to play and learn alongside their peers in the least restrictive environment. We work with local school districts, consultants, and other community agencies to support the academic and social-emotional needs of all children and families.
Support Services
The Special Needs Team works to promote the social-emotional well-being of all children in our program, and to provide individualized resources and support to children who have special needs, their families, and their teachers. The Behavior Specialists, the Mental Health Consultant, the Special Needs Specialist, and the Special Needs Manager provide observations, assessments/evaluations, interventions and behavior support in the home and classroom, and they assist and advocate for Head Start families in the referral process to other agencies.

Parent/Guardian Rights
You have the right to:
- Request an evaluation for your child at any time
- Give/not give your permission for a Head Start Specialist to observe/assess your child
- Meet with the Teachers/Specialists and share your observations and any other information you believe is important about your child
- Have your child evaluated by other specialists who may share observations with Head Start staff
- Bring someone with you to help you in a meeting
- Have your child's evaluation and plan developed in a reasonable amount of time by outside community partners or a local education agency
- Receive a copy of the plan developed for your child
- Disagree with any part of the plan
You have the responsibility to:
- Attend all meetings related to your child's services
- Ask questions whenever you do not understand what is being said or done, or whenever you are concerned about how your child is acting or learning
- Share your observations about your child, as well as any changes in the family that might affect your child at school
- Carry out any activities as agreed to in the plan and share how they have worked