Recommended Education Resources – 05/25

Recommended Resources from our Education Department – Week 11 (May 25-29)

8 Ways to Declutter Your Child’s Room

Kids bring so much joy and excitement into the world, but with kids comes clutter. Over the years, it’s inevitable that rooms throughout your home will multiply with gear, clothes and, of course, toys. Why is it that it takes hours, sometimes even days, to clean and organize play rooms, but it only takes seconds for the toys to be all over the room again?

Part of parenthood is learning how to keep up with and organize all the “kid stuff,” that occupy the playroom and bedroom. Unfortunately, too many “things” can lead to toy rooms becoming a safety issue. Aside from a parent’s number one fear of tripping and stepping on tiny toy pieces, young children will try and put small toys in their mouths which are a potential choking hazard.

Playrooms full of toys can be very overwhelming and distracting to kids. Too many choices that are unorganized can make it difficult to find a toy to play with at all. And since kids need to play to learnhere are 8 tips to clean up clutter and make your child’s playroom more conducive for playtime!

While it can seem daunting and overwhelming, try not to let organizing the playroom become a stressful activity! Your hard work will surely pay off. When kids have an organized space to play in, they will have more amazing playful opportunities to promote their learning.

Tucker the Turtle Takes Time to Tuck and Think at Home

Tucker the Turtle is a great tool that teaches children helpful calming strategies. He sometimes gets angry or upset, but he has a “turtle way” to calm down. Children in our 4 year old classrooms would have already met Tucker the Turtle, but we wanted to share him with all of our families!

  • Read this scripted story (available in English and Spanish) to learn the “turtle way” to calm down when angry.
  • Practice makes perfect! Practice the “turtle way” with your child after reading the book.
  • Make it real, act it out. Have your child identify something that makes them angry, scared or sad, and have them act out the steps Tucker taught them to calm down.
  • Designate calming spaces. Designate special calm-down places in the home, such as a small fort or cozy chair. Reassure your child that it is fine to “act like a turtle” in the calm-down place.

Digital Exclusive: Shubert and Sophie Stay Home

Download the eBook here!

Like other children around the world, Shubert and Sophie are currently staying home. They’re helping keep their community safe by sheltering in place with their family. Although it feels like a vacation at first, Shubert and Sophie (and mom and dad) gradually begin to feel grumpy. They miss their friends, field trips and soccer games. In this story, Shubert and Sophie and learn to navigate big feelings about COVID-19 with help from their parents.