Recommended Education Resources – 05/11

Recommended Resources from our Education Department – Week 9 (May 11-14)

This week we are focusing on Early Math!

Learning from the Weather

Kids learn best through direct experiences. At this time of year, one factor that greatly affects any experience is the weather! Constantly changing, spring weather generates opportunities for conversations, questions, and investigations that are immediately relevant to a child’s life.

By using a clear plastic bottle you can make a simple rain gauge. If you calibrate it carefully, it can actually take quite accurate readings. Find the instructions here.

For more inspiration on how to make use of wet weather, check out 10 Rainy Day Activities.

Early Math Activities You Can Do At Home

Due to stay-at-home recommendations, many families are looking to take advantage of the natural math learning that’s a part of everyday life. Whether it’s dishes to wash or laundry to do, when you involve your children in household tasks, you can make chore time math time.

Families can play a fundamental role in encouraging learning and interest in mathematics. Family math has become a “buzz” term for any math opportunities that can be extended outside of the classroom. For good reason. Finding math in the home setting can help children see that math is more than just what is prescribed in a classroom. Math is part of everyday life. Finding it in our homes and our communities has so many benefits.

Click here to read about “Dishing Up the Math: Tasks at Home Can Become Math Time“!