Parent Spotlight – October 2020

Congratulations to Fabiola, our first featured Parent Spotlight! The Parent Spotlights are for parents and caregivers who have demonstrated excellent leadership skills inside and outside of their child’s school. You can read more of Fabiola’s story below. Please congratulate her if you see her around!

How long have you been a Head Start parent?

I’ve been a Head Start parent for seven years. We started when my daughter attended preschool. My son followed with one year participation in the Home Visiting program and then preschool. I continued the Home Visiting program with my last pregnancy and through my daughter’s infancy. Now she is transitioning from Home Visiting to preschool.

In what ways are you engaged at your child’s site?

I’ve been a bus aide, classroom volunteer, I have done projects for my child’s teachers at home, I’ve attended Family Engagement events, work shops and parent cafes and I have been part of Parent Policy Council. Currently I am the chairperson at Policy Council and plan to run for the position again this year.

What is your favorite Head Start moment?

I have so many I don’t think I can mention them all, but I really enjoyed the Kindergarten transition event they held at the Children’s Museum a few years back as well as the Home Visiting transition events. At my children’s site (Rogers Lane), I loved the end of the year Field Day because I got to play with my child and other children. I also loved the day my husband was able to participate in the WATCH D.O.G.S. program. His face lit up talking about it and my son was very excited that his dad was able to see him at school.