January 2022 Announcement

Greetings Head Start for Kent County Families,

These past several months have led us to some very difficult decisions. Due to staffing shortages and the continued impact of COVID-19, we are finding ourselves unable to keep all of our classrooms open. Head Start for Kent County typically operates 92 classrooms at 14 sites located throughout the county. We do not foresee classroom closures at all of our locations, yet we do know some classrooms will be impacted.

Families affected by a classroom closure will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than December 21. We are still finalizing our plan and will continue to communicate as decisions are made. We understand you may have questions we are not yet able to answer as we are still planning for these changes. We will be offering more information about how to get your questions answered once available.

In order to prepare, we will not have children returning on January 3rd as previously planned, but we will welcome children back on January 10th. As an agency, we continue to be committed to using every resource available to us to support your child and family, including looking at other ways to continue services for classrooms impacted by these changes.

This is where we could use your help! If you are someone who enjoys working with children and families, or know someone who does, please contact (616) 453-4145 ext. 2202 or email tawilliams@hs4kc.org. We look forward to growing our team at Head Start for Kent County.

We sincerely apologize to any of the children and families who might be impacted by these changes. We are committed to re-opening all of our classrooms as soon as possible and we will keep you informed as updates are available. We thank you for your patience.


MaDonna Princer
Executive Director

Kari Clark
Program Director