
Springhill Head Start located in Walker and connected to Head Start for Kent County’s Central Office. In addition to operating five classrooms, Springhill Head Start houses our Learning Hub for newly hired teachers and associate teachers gaining hands-on experience with content specific workshops, and training with mentor teachers.

Springhill Head Start’s five classrooms serve children from 6 weeks to 5 years old. These rooms include one for three-year-olds, three classrooms for four-year-olds, and one year-round infant/toddler room, all designed to provide a high-quality, developmentally appropriate education for young children.

Volunteer at Springhill

Parents, community members, and families can also partner with us through our Volunteer Program.

If you are interested in volunteering or know someone who is, please speak to the staff at your site!

Contact Us

Hours of Operation
06:30 AM - 03:30 PM | Classroom Staff
06:30 AM - 04:00 PM | Office Staff
Full Day Hours
07:30 AM - 03:06 PM | EHS
07:40 AM - 02:46 PM | Preschool
Morgan Patmos
Lisa Burton-Hunt
(616) 791-9894
(616) 279-3220


Entrance to Springhill Head Start is on the west side of the building (the parking lot entrance side)

Preschool Classrooms
Infant/Toddler Classroom

Want to Enroll Your Child with Head Start for Kent County?