Agency Committees

Our agency has many committees where you can make a difference!  Here you’ll find a list of the committees, what they do, when they meet, if/when they have openings, and how you can join them!

If your committee needs to be added, removed, or otherwise updated, please email us to let us know!

Attendance Champions

We’re on a mission to make every day count! The Attendance Champions are all about boosting attendance, crushing chronic absences, and making sure our kiddos and families are excited to show up. We brainstorm fun ways to celebrate good attendance, problem-solve barriers, and spread the “attendance matters” message across our whole Head Start community.

  • Committee Chair
    • John Robinson – PFCE Program Manager
  • Meetings
    • Intending to meet virtually on Fridays; time TBD
  • Extra-Meeting Work
    • May spend ~1 hour a month reviewing attendance data or developing ideas to share
  • Joining Info
    • Currently openings: Limited spots available
    • Prerequisites: None
    • How to join:
      • Email John Robinson with a quick note about why you’re excited to join the team and which site you represent
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) - Critical Friends

DEI Critical Friends take responsibility for ensuring that as an agency we recruit and retain a diverse population of staff that mirrors the community we serve, as well as foster an inclusive atmosphere, and support equity in the work environment.

DEI Critical Friends serve as Department and Site DEI champions, as they are representatives who provide ideas and feedback to the workgroup then report back to their teams. As a workgroup we evaluate our work culture for areas of strength and improvement within our agency to ensure all staff feel a sense of belonging and welcome.

  • Committee Chair
    • Tyneicshe Williams – DEI Manager
  • Meetings
    • Meets virtually every 2nd Thursday of each month from 3pm-4pm
    • May change for upcoming year based on availability of group members
  • Extra-Meeting Work
    • Committee projects are led by the DEI Manager and supported by DEI committee members.
  • Joining Info
    • Currently openings: We welcome staff, parents, and community members to become HS4KC DEI champions.
    • Prerequisites: None
    • How to join:
Education Task Force

This task force provides insight, recommendations and feedback to the Education Manager on department processes.

  • Committee Chair
    • Becky Stoessner – Education Manager
  • Meetings
    • Two Fridays a year for 90 minutes. Once in December, and once in May, located at the Sylvan building.
  • Extra-Meeting Work
    • No work expected outside of the meeting.
  • Joining Info
    • Who can join: Representatives of every site attend.
    • How to join:
Families and Communities United for Success (FOCUS)

FOCUS is a collaborative initiative designed to strengthen family engagement and community partnerships. Our focus is on creating meaningful, respectful interactions between families, professionals, and community members. We work together to set and achieve shared goals that enhance family well-being, support child development, and improve program quality, all while honoring cultural and linguistic diversity. Through mutual respect and active collaboration, FOCUS aims to build a supportive network that empowers families and fosters success for every child.

  • Committee Chairs
    • Chandra Burris & Debbie Conley
  • Meetings
    • Once a month on a Friday, further details TBD
  • Extra-Meeting Work
    • None
  • Joining Info
    • Currently openings: Yes
    • Prerequisites: None
    • How to join:
Health Services Advisory Committee (HSAC)

All HS and EHS Programs are required to have a HSAC to support children’s healthy development. The HSAC is an advisory group composed of community partners who represent a wide variety of local social services agencies who help programs make decisions about health services.

  • Committee Chair
    • Anne Glass – Health Program Manager
  • Meetings
    • Meet twice a year, in October and April, on a Wednesday at noon w/lunch provided.
  • Extra-Meeting Work
    • None
  • Joining Info
    • Currently openings: Yes, for for teaching staff, FA and family members.
    • Prerequisites: None
    • How to join:
Male Engagement Squad

We’re on a mission to make male engagement a big deal! The Male Engagement Squad is all about brainstorming awesome ways to get more men involved in their kids’ early education journey. We’re cooking up fun ideas, sharing what works, and making sure every site has a toolbox full of cool ways to engage male figures. Let’s make male engagement a big deal across the whole agency!

  • Committee Chair
    • Robert Sims – Parent Leadership/Male Engagement Specialist
  • Meetings
    • Once a month for 90 minutes
    • Scheduled outside normal classroom hours for teacher accessibility
  • Extra-Meeting Work
    • None
  • Joining Info
    • Currently openings: Yes
    • Prerequisites: None
    • How to join:
Safety Committee

The Head Start for Kent County Safety Committee strives to develop and promote a healthy, safe working environment for all staff, family, and visitors through comprehensive and continuous monitoring.

  • Committee Chair
    • Michelle Paul Site Administrative Manager
  • Meetings
    • Every 2nd Wednesday of the month @ 11am
  • Extra-Meeting Work
    • Support in reviewing reports, safety checklists and facilitation of lock-down drills.
  • Joining Info
    • Currently openings: None.
    • Prerequisites: Every other year, new department staff may join or rotate on/off with staff from their department. 
    • How to join:
      • Openings are often announced at All Agency Meetings in the past.
      • An email correspondence is also sent to applicable staff groups when there are openings.
Strategic Outreach Committee

This group collaborates with key departments and forms outreach strategies for enrollment, employment, and engagement. We also develop ideas for social media posts and videos, and we design the Outreach Theme for each year.

  • Committee Chairs
    • Rachel Kamstra – Strategic Outreach Specialist
    • Brittany Davenport-Higgins – HR & Strategic Outreach Supervisor
  • Meetings
    • Virtual meeting on the third Wednesday of each month from 10:30am-11:30am
  • Extra-Meeting Work
    • Occasional feedback via email, or bringing requests to a department and bringing feedback back to the committee
  • Joining Info
    • Currently openings: 1
    • Prerequisites: 3 seats are reserved for PFCE, ERSEA, & HR; Other seats are open to any staff.
    • How to join:
      • Emails will be sent to interested staff when additional seats open up.
Understanding Readiness Outcomes Committee (UROC)

UROC collaborates with Head Start staff, parents, and community members. The committee reviews and discusses data related to our school readiness initiatives, and identifies strengths and opportunities related to school readiness.

  • Committee Chair
    • Laura Silvis – Outcomes Analyst Manager
  • Meetings
    • 3-4 times per year at CO
    • ’24-’25 Schedule:
      • November 21, 2024, 10-12pm
      • February 27, 2025, 10-12pm
      • June 12, 2025 , 10-12pm
  • Extra-Meeting Work
    • None
  • Joining Info
    • Currently openings: Possibly
    • Prerequisites:
      • Parents/guardians of currently enrolled children
        • One representative from each site and an alternate voted on during the September engagement event
        • Outcomes provides overview prior to first meeting
      • Staff representatives from all departments
        • Re-evaluate who is on the committee each fall
          • Ensure continuity of staff returning to the committee in addition to opportunities for new staff to participate
    • How to join: